Life is feudal steam release
Life is feudal steam release

life is feudal steam release

Life is feudal steam release full version#

Along with these new features, players can expect a more polished and smooth gameplay experience in the full version of the game.” We are adding more siege equipment, siege engines and a number of other secondary features that the community will choose by voting for their favorites. We are continuing to add, finish and polish the siege mechanics, along with all of the many others already included within the game. We plan to implement ships and basic naval warfare, advanced AI and hostile NPC encounters.

life is feudal steam release

“ The full version of Life is Feudal: MMO will be feature complete. How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? “ Life is Feudal: MMO will launch approximately 12 months after the release into Early Access.”

life is feudal steam release

Early Access gives us the ability to collect and integrate player opinions and feedback into the game to help deliver the best experience possible in Life is Feudal: MMO.”Īpproximately how long will this game be in Early Access? We wanted to continue to have this relationship with the players. Without Early Access, this would not have been possible.įurthermore, the community feedback has been definitive in helping shape the Life is Feudal world. In order to create a game that truly encapsulated feudal life, while also offering an open, freeform and quality experience worth coming back for, we knew we’d have to invest all of our time and resources to accomplish this. Starting out, we were just a small team of avid gamers, working out of a tiny apartment and just barely scraping by. “ There are a number of reasons why we felt Early Access was the right path for us.

Life is feudal steam release